Every lesson at Greet uses our implementation model to ensure consistency across classes. These core components are present in every lesson and are used to support planning lessons. 

The BIG Picture: set the context of the lesson for the children and where it fits in their learning journey.

Retrieval Practice: review and revisit key learning concepts ensuring the children's knowledge is 

Explicit Vocabulary Instruction: children are taught 2 or 3 pieces of new vocabulary linked to the lesson focus.

Direct Instruction: teachers engage children in their learning and teach them the knowledge for the lesson. Teaching and learning is broken down into small steps. Teachers model and lead children through guided practice. 

Independent Practice: children carry out their learning activity. Teachers circulate and support providing scaffolds to support learning and challenges to extend learning where needed.

Check for Understanding: teaching is responsive. Teachers use questioning and provide in the moment feedback to children to support their learning.