Welcome to Year 4

Our brilliant Year 4 team this year are:

Mr R Islam – 4RI class teacher and Year Group Leader

Mrs T Hamid – 4TH class teacher

Miss R Chanda - 4RC class teacher

Miss R Mahmud – 4RM class teacher

Mrs I Muhammad – PSA 

Mrs A Suffield – PSA 

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Information from the Parent Welcome Meeting 21/09/23

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In Year 4 PE takes place every Tuesday.

Child can wear their PE to school.

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Summer History Knowledge Organiser

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Spring Geography Knowledge Organiser

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Autumn History Knowledge Organiser


Homework will be set every week on Maths Flex. Children can log into Maths Flex using their Bug Club username and password.

ActiveLearn: Login (activelearnprimary.co.uk)

Times tables:

Children can practise their times tables through TT Rockstars. By the end of the year, children should be fluent at recalling all of the times tables.

Times Tables Rock Stars: Play (ttrockstars.com)


This will be set every week. Children will have 10 new words to learn.


This will be set for children when necessary.

Common exception words - The children should be familiar with how to spell these words.

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Help your child with their Maths homework using MathsFlex. Here is a guide on how to log in.

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Times tables - By the end of Year 4, the children should be fluent in all of their times tables.

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Some useful websites to help your child with learning their times tables:

TTRockstars - Times Tables Rock Stars – Times Tables Rock Stars (ttrockstars.com)

Topmarks - Hit the Button - Quick fire maths practise for 6-11 year olds (topmarks.co.uk) 

Summer: Ancient Civilisations Homework Projects

Spring: Tomb Builders D&T Exhibition

Spring: Misty Mountain, Winding River Homework Projects

Spring: Warp and Weft D&T Exhibition

Autumn: Fresh Food, Good Food D&T Exhibition