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Assemblies are a really important event at Greet Primary, as they enable our children to come together and learn about different communities, cultures, beliefs and values.


We hold assemblies in phases (Years 1-3 and Years 4-6) once a week. Each assembly is linked to relevant UNICEF Rights of the child, a British Value and our SMSC curriculum. Children also have the chance to expand their knowledge of world music, as we use Charanga's 'Listening Calendar' to welcome them into the school hall.


Children also have a weekly class assembly, using 'Picture News'. This is a chance for children to learn about current affairs, thus supporting them to become global citizens. The resources are designed to provide opportunities for children to learn from our world and develop respect for other’s beliefs, feelings and faiths. Each assembly is linked to a UNICEF right, a British Value and a Protected Characteristic. 


Every week, each class gets the opportunity to explore somewhere from around the world using LYFTA. The children explore issues such as democracy, diversity and education from a global perspective. LYFTA's five key areas of learning and enrichment are: 

-Cultural Capital

-Character Education

-Sustainability and Global Citizenship

-Diversity, Inclusion, Equity and Belonging

-Social and Emotional Learning


Finally, all children take part in a weekly celebration assembly, where we celebrate children that have demonstrated having a growth mindset, resilience, interest or teamwork (GRIT) that week. We also celebrate attendance and which house has received the most points during that week too!

Picture News Info for Parents- Summer 2024


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Safeguarding Information

At Greet safeguarding of pupils is at the forefront of everything we do. Check out our safeguarding page for the latest information and advice.

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