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Creating Futures Fund

Creating Futures!

Raising money for the wellbeing of our children.


What is our Creating Futures fund?

Creating Futures is our school fundraising platform. It enables money raised during school fundraising and enrichment events to go directly back to the children and community of Greet. Monies raised will be used to invest in resources as well as to create meaningful, long-lasting experiences for our children. Equipping them with the best start - to create an exciting future.


The fund will be visible to parents, staff and children so that we are united in building a GREAT Greet community, improving the physical and mental wellbeing of our children. Keep an eye out in the entrance hall for our Creating Futures fundraising thermometer!


Why have the Creating Futures Fund?

We feel that charity starts at home and the money raised through our school fundraising will support us to create inspiring learning opportunities.


What is our focus for Creating Futures funding this year (2024-25)?

This academic year all monies raised for our Creating Futures Fund will go towards subsidising trip and experiences for our children.


We want all of out children to know that ‘there are no limits to what they can achieve’, nurturing their skills to grow into resilient, confident young people.


Who can get involved?

Fundraising will be facilitated by staff at Greet through whole school fundraising events. These will range from free dress days to the summer fair. Staff at Greet will work together with parents and the local community to collectively fundraise with all donations going towards the fund.


We have a growing army of fantastic parent volunteers who support us in raising money for Creating Futures! If you would like to get involved please contact Ms Yasmin or Miss Williams via the school office.


Please work with us to make a difference to the children of Greet.


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Safeguarding Information

At Greet safeguarding of pupils is at the forefront of everything we do. Check out our safeguarding page for the latest information and advice.

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